They have something for everybody!
I finally watched the Bohemian Rhapsody film the other day! It was even better than I was hoping (and I had high hopes!). They did A fabulous job at capturing the mood of the music.. ^.^
Here are a few of my favourites that I have brought back into my music rotation:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - I mean.. I dare you to keep your feet from tapping! What a classic.
Love me some Silly Love Songs <3
‘39 - This is probably my absolute favourite Queen song. Those folky vibes,, And the nerdiness is a nice touch! (It is about Einstein’s theory of relativity :))
Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke -
This song includes everything I love about Queen. Intricate, larger-than-live music, ridiculous vocals, and a tidbit of history
(The Fairy Feller’s Master-stroke also describes the same painting.)
The Millionaire Waltz - This one is on the list because they are the Kings and Queens of Extravagance. This song makes me want to get up and twirl around!
I Want to Break Free <3
that bouncy bass line.
Don’t Stop Me Now - I cannnot bring myself to do a Queen list without including this.
The Miracle -
Because we all need to be reminded sometimes of the wonders of this world <3
aand the kids in this video are everything!
You and I -
Under Pressure -
Bowie and Queen.. What a match!
& a cool and thought-provoking music video.
Killer Queen -
I hope this list isn’t getting TOO predictable. It’s just..their hits are famous for a reason!
Bohemian Rhapsody - !!! I couldn’t help it !!! Predictable my foot, this is A Masterpiece. <3 timeless, bringing people together from all over haha.
I truly believe the world is a better place with this song in it.
And there you have it.
My little blurb in honour of QUEEN!
I hope revisiting these has put you in as good a mood as it put me! :)