one thing at a time
in the process of compiling, making sense of past work and completing.
(I think I will print this on metal)
one thing at a time
in the process of compiling, making sense of past work and completing.
(I think I will print this on metal)
\ \ physiological / /
breathing, food,
water, sex, sleep,
homeostasis, excretion
\ \ safety / /
security of : body, employment,
resources, morality, the family,
health, property
\ \ belonging / /
friendship, family, sexual intimacy
\ \ self - esteem / /
self esteem , confidence, achievement,
respect of others, respect by others
\ \ self actualization / /
morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving,
lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts
// referenced
are all your needs being met?
been extremely restless these days. trying,, finding peace - it's been a while.
Here’s some of my brainstorming process. I was reading the book “Women Who Run With the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. It is a book about myths and legends traditionally passed down orally through the years. It’s a lovely book, telling myths, then deconstructing and analyzing them - finding symbolism and putting them into context.
I wanted to do a bit of a tribute to the Wolf/Wildish Spirit. This is a part of a Larger Series dedicated to “Spirit Animals”. What does this term make you think of, make you feel? Are there any animals that you resonate deeply with?
this was so much fun to work on!
Different versions, getting messy, finding shapes in shapes. made while I was wandering about town, exploring and eating the city, dancing in my new apartment. I remember watching the sun come up, running and sitting on the mountain after a late night session of working on this.
This piece melted out of me, making itself. I love getting to that place.
( a form of peace and meditation, in the end. )
Returning to the light. I know its there. And that's a nice thought.
I love making mandalas.
It gives me time & a space where I can be in a mode of creation, trying not to judge myself and what I put onto the page. Diving deeper, elaborating. Destroying, creating. It is a wonderful and introspective process for me.
So This is how it began. It reminded me of an atom, I remember... the nucleus.
I started this back when I was freshly out of film school, with a need to paint. I had just moved into a collective house with some of my college mates. I bought the biggest canvas I had worked on up till then and wasn't sure what to do... so I just started painting. The base level was a mix of acrylics and (oh my goodness) oils. The first time I had ever tried using oil paints too, mind you. And my concept! it was to use my body as stamps... lol. hmm perhaps oils weren't the ideal medium for that one ;P! ps: do not try cleaning up your oil palettes with water....
woo! I can tell I had fun with this one. Finger painting is one of my favourite ways to paint. I remember this reminding me of a snowflake.
In the bottom right you can get a peek of a book of African Design I was drawing inspiration from and sampling. I almost always use reference photos, I find my works get so much richer and more based in this reality when I do not solely rely on my memory, though I certainly do enjoy doing that too. :) I feel at this point I am still building up my mental image library. Kinda looks like a flower, eh?
Spinning the canvas, trying to get a fresh perspective.
I had trees and a planet in mind at this point. I love incorporating nature into my work.
Ah.. here I have now opened up my book of symbols.
ancient mandala designs...
The human journey sure is something neat
You can now see the four doors emerging... a more classic and refined mandala
This is probably my favourite stage to date. I love the way the yellow criss crosses. I was thinking of bouncing particles and emitted energy.
oo and this one...
Here it goes through a major transformation
I was really proud of what I had done and showed my father, who looks at it, and states, "it's off-centre". And then that is all I can see, Forget the charming human imperfections! It has to be centred now. So I take out some twine and measure it out, marking points where they intersect, trying to get something that is a little more geometrical.
This was also a lesson for myself: to take critiques with a grain of salt and to ultimately listen to my self, because in the end, this whole art-making thing is *really* for me?
but now!! ..
.. a better grid to work off
and a good reminder
in the
process of
painting sessions.... !
collaboration !
I love watching evolution at work.
A little while ago I was asked to make some art pieces for a themed show/gallery in Vancouver, the theme being 20000 Beats Under the Sea.
I had a fun time dancing to the music and looking at everything on the walls.
Here are my initial sketches. I loved the theme.
My first pass at some paint.. another late night kitchen painting session after work. Acrylic fun!
Here is how they looked in time for the show. I was pleased ! But still not done..
Creators - how do you know when a painting or a series is finished? If ever?
It is an art in itself to walk away at the right moment,
it is easy to take it too far.
I love coming back to a piece when I can bring Just what was missing.
How Satisfying.
I've got this book at home that has a bunch of ancient symbols and artifacts,
edited by Robert Adkinson :
I can go through these pages for what seems like ever and I will often find something that sparks my imagination. I tend to draw a lot from what humans have experienced & accomplished, from stories and history and dreams. It makes me feel like I am a part of this larger exchange and a passing of knowledge and ideas. I also wonder what is to come of my efforts... if there will be elements of myself in futures to come.. And if not, wteverz... something beautiful about the fleeting ;)
My "Doorways" series got started from an image in said book.
Which then became the muse of the first painting in my "Doorways" series.
But me , being me, ended up painting over most of these paintings. I'm hoping to resurrect these pieces, bring them into photoshop maybe and polish 'em up a bit...
Which doorway will open next...
I figured the time has come to have a proper place to place my art/process/creations
I have always enjoyed experiencing the thought & evolution of art work
So.. here ya go, I will share my sense of perspective.
this is to be a place of sharing:
colours, lines
- charmaine c