
I've got this book at home that has a bunch of ancient symbols and artifacts,

edited by Robert Adkinson :


I can go through these pages for what seems like ever and I will often find something that sparks my imagination.  I tend to draw a lot from what humans have experienced & accomplished, from stories and history and dreams.  It makes me feel like I am a part of this larger exchange and a passing of knowledge and ideas.  I also wonder what is to come of my efforts... if there will be elements of myself in futures to come.. And if not, wteverz...  something beautiful about the fleeting ;)

My "Doorways" series got started from an image in said book. 

Which then became the muse of the first painting in my "Doorways" series.

But me , being me, ended up painting over most of these paintings.  I'm hoping to resurrect these pieces, bring them into photoshop maybe and polish 'em up a bit...


Which doorway will open next...