Beats User the Sea

A little while ago I was asked to make some art pieces for a themed show/gallery in Vancouver, the theme being 20000 Beats Under the Sea.  

I had a fun time dancing to the music and looking at everything on the walls.

Here are my initial sketches. I loved the theme.

Here are my initial sketches. I loved the theme.

My first pass at some paint.. another late night kitchen painting session after work. Acrylic fun!

My first pass at some paint.. another late night kitchen painting session after work. Acrylic fun!

Here is how they looked in time for the show. I was pleased ! But still not done..

Here is how they looked in time for the show. I was pleased ! But still not done..

Creators - how do you know when a painting or a series is finished? If ever?
It is an art in itself to walk away at the right moment,
it is easy to take it too far.  

I love coming back to a piece when I can bring Just what was missing.
How Satisfying.